Friday, May 15, 2009

Trivial Pursuit

While I washed the dishes,
Kanye West asked me:
Do I know what it means to find my dreams?

In my dreams I’m lost
within place I know
that aren’t quite themselves.

I kiss girls I haven’t seen
in ten years, acquaintances
who might have been lab partners.

In my dreams I fly
sometimes, though often
my limbs move like pasta in pudding.

My dreams are a vibrant mush,
the scraps of the day’s meals
and rescrubbed spots

that wash off my mind’s
plates and forks,
then spiral down the drain.

So, Kanye, if you follow me,
my question is:
Where do my dreams go once the dishes are clean?

1 comment:

REKording said...

Your dreams go into the vagaries of memory after the dishes are clean.