Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Public Education and Health Care

I’ve got a suggestion for the health care debate. Someone may have already brought it up, but I haven’t heard it put the way I thought of it. That is, to treat health care the same way as education.

This would make health care an obligation for all citizens. It would also make each community, district, and state responsible for organizing and providing health care to its citizens. Finally, while all taxpayers would financially support this system, they would be free to use alternative, private schools.

I don’t think public schools are perfect. I’ve seen many of the problems, both as a student and educator. But I do believe its model provides a core system that effectively benefits citizens and society alike, while constantly adapting and seeking to best serve them. Plus, if we pay doctors as much as teachers then it’ll be affordable. Though I guess we couldn’t give two months of summer vacation to doctors too.


REKording said...

The biggest problem I see with your solution is the enormous cost. 75% of my property taxes pay for schools. My local tax burden is about $9K, whether I earn anything or not. If we add healthcare to that, taxes will go higher. And if it is locally controlled like schools are, that means Health Care Boards. There are few cost controls on schools other than our willingness to pay. I don;t think you want to put health care under the kind of silly political whims that infest our school policies.

Kevin said...

Shawn, you should write in your blog again.