Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This is a megalith. I think it was for wedding ceremonies, but lots of people have lots of ideas about what it was for and nobody’s really sure of anything. Except that most adults have to crouch down to walk inside it.

It’s not super clear in the photo, but the symbol of a spear is engraved on the inner wall of two of the rocks. Typical prehistoric men, always thinking of their spears. There’s also a smaller engraving of a cross, but, given the date of the megalith, it was done far after the structure’s origin. Looks like the Christians and Vandals were in cahoots.

There’s no fuss about going to the megalith. No tickets or museums. It’s surrounded by farms, and when I visited it there were farmers taking care of business only twenty feet away from the megalith. I wonder if much has changed.


Kevin said...

One must surely conclude, in light of the megalith's not-for-adults size, that it was nothing less than a fort designed for use by children. Built to withstand the passage of time; enduring surely longer than sofas and blankets ever could.

REKording said...

A most appropriate observation, Kevin, for the man who organizes community street dodgeball pickup games. And probably the advertisement for it on the Daily Drum ("Kids! Get your own Castle Fort by Megalith!") made it sound a lot better, like those log cabin playhouses in the comic books, that turn out to be a log cabin printed on a plastic sheet for draping over a card table.

However, I favor the megalith being a passageway to adulthood, to obtaining a spear, and being blooded, especially since it is too small for adults.

Shawn, how much has changed? Farming and hunting and government. Reliable weather forecasting and modern agronomy have had a tremendous impact on farming. Firearms and civilization have changed hunting. Modern government is quite different than any before. Even the idea of real estate would be foreign to the megalith builders.