Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Comment Casser une Toilette (Pt. 1)

The lid for the toilet’s tank was off cause the regular flush handle broke; you had to pull the flapper valve when you’d finished. I knew this. But, mind fogged by Halloween fun, I didn’t see which part was the flapper valve. Three choices: something on the left, something in the center, and something to the right. I didn’t take much time to look.

The plastic cover tore when I pulled on the floater. Water blasted through the small hole I’d created. With all that pressure in so little space, it soaked the ceiling, the walls, my shoulders and hair. I pinched the hole closed. The water couldn’t come out, but neither could I. Stuck in the bathroom at a party in a foreign country at four in the morning. I heard “Paint It Black” through the bathroom door.

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