Monday, July 20, 2009

Weight On My Shoulders

There’s a free gym in our housing complex, and since I’ve often wondered what consistent weight lifting is like I decided to give it a try. This is my seventh week of training – going three times a week for about 45 minutes each session, when I do two sets of eleven dumbbell exercises. And I don’t like it.

It’s boring. It’s hard in an unsatisfying way. The radio is usually on a crappy 70s station that drains my spirit. But I want some form of exercise, and a free gym will have to do until I can afford to take MMA classes or go rock climbing or do anything else awesome. Working out like this has also given me more respect for athletes who log hours and hours at the gym. Then again, they get a paycheck to play games.

1 comment:

REKording said...

Bring your IPod and program it with songs appropos to the routines, breathing and motion. Using beats per minute is a good starting point, following by scansion, or rhythmic articulation, or swing, in the case of exercises that emulate pendulums. Set the volume a little louder than your breathing.

Commit to 20 minutes instead of 45. Do only one set of eleven. If you feel like doing more, fine, but don't make it a burden. The satisfaction will come as your tone improves.

For me, two minutes of good practice on the putting green is worth more than ten minutes because when I do ten, the last 8 minutes is poor or hurried practice.