Thursday, April 2, 2009


Host: So, what percentage of surveyed kids said they tried kissing like mom and dad, with the tongue, and were grossed out?

A French game show with parent-child teams. The host banters with the contestants between questions. He follows up on the last one, asking the kids if they understand the basics of sex.

Boy: The man and the woman lay together for a while, with the male parts in the female parts, until the sperm gets to the egg.

Host: Exactly. And how long do you think they have to lay together?

Boy: Thirty seconds.

Host: Thirty seconds? Interesting.

To another boy.

And how long do you think it takes?

Boy 2: Two hours.

Host: Two hours! So is it thirty seconds or two hours?

Girl: It depends on the person. Some people take thirty seconds and some people take two hours.

Host: Oh ok. So it’s not always the same for everybody.

Girl: Right. And if it only takes thirty seconds you’ll have a tiny baby.

Host: Really?

Girl: Yeah. The longer it takes the bigger the baby will be.

Host: So if it takes two hours, then you’ll have a giraffe?

1 comment:

REKording said...

Oo la la, those frenchies, always with the naughty humor. The girl is only partly wrong, and is probably only repeating something she misheard or heard properly, but did not understand. The bigger it is, the longer it takes.

Ask around. It's true.

We Yankee farmers can makes naughty jokes, too.