Friday, April 24, 2009

Sexy Curses (Pt. 4)

Much of the modern audience feels as separated from God as the vampire is. In this, we both idolize and sympathize with the vampire. When there is belief in God, in heaven, as there was in the culture of the old vampire, the cursed "Upir", separation from God is a curse. But when God no longer permeates everyday life, when there is no more belief, the separation is only an absence. A void that doesn't threaten, but pangs.

Reason and science have replaced superstition and God in our understanding of the world. We send rockets into the heavens, revive hearts that stop beating, and cure diseases that threaten populations. This isn’t to overlook the billions of people who still believe in an almighty power, even in Its scriptural depiction. Yet while they may argue with science’s theories, they cannot dispute its achievements and importance in our lives. Moreover, the majority of artists and audiences shaping the symbol of the vampire do not believe in God as a dominating being who damns sinners. Their culture is founded on scientific progress and individual development...

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