Monday, April 27, 2009

No Saint

Behind me, in these woods, is a moat and the mass it surrounds that once stood as a castle. There's a legend that the princess who lived there had a father who constantly tried to marry her off, but she refused. Eventually, in his rage, he killed her with an axe. Further up the trail is a fountain with a statue that memorializes her, Saint Anastase.

None of that is in this picture, though. These woods look ordinary, like many others I've seen. But this picture interests me more than a disappeared castle or beheaded princess turned saint. It recalls a part of me that I once cultivated, but haven't tended to in a while.

I don't feel much connection with traditional religion. I don't know if I believe in God (though I suppose knowing isn't a prerequisite to believing), and if I do believe in something I haven't defined it. But I do feel spiritual. For the past few years, however, I think I've had a spiritual regression. Maybe it's that my soul has gotten more attention, and maybe it's been a conscious decision. Nonetheless, looking into these woods felt like looking at an old picture of myself.

1 comment:

REKording said...

It is not a regression, but a progression as you integrate your spirituality into your everyday persona. I remember the passionate search for the spiritual in my adolescence, and how it slowly turned into a philosophy of life, but continued to grow and change in response to experience. As in the old joke, the exercise of bad judgment results in experience, and good judgment, accomplishment.

We are all spirit creatures in some ways, pushed by whim and molded by consequence, seeing patterns where there are none, following our faith even though it be a nebulous concept. Even the rejection of spirituality recognizes its existence within.